Sharhul Aqaid 001 - Preface of the Author

Sharhul Aqaid 
Author : Sa'ad al-Din Masud ibn Umar ibn Abd Allah al-Taftazani
Translated to English by : Muhammad Sajeer Bukhari

Part : 001 

Preface of the Author

بسم الله الرّحمن الرّحيم الحمد لله المتوحد بجلال ذاته وكمال صفاته، المتقدس فى نعوت الجبروت عن شوائب النقص، وسماته. والصلاة على نبيه محمد، المؤيد بساطع حججه، وواضح بيناته، وعلى آله وأصحابه، هداة طريق الحق، وحماته

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, Praise be to Allah, the One and only with majesty in His essence and perfection in His attributes, The Sacred in His attributes of power and glory, from any deficiency of imperfection, and from its characteristics, And all blessings be upon His Prophet Muhammad, the supported by clear arguments and evident proofs, and upon his family and companions, the guides to the path of truth and its defenders.

وبعد فان مبنى علم الشرائع والأحكام، وأساس قواعد عقائد الإسلام: هو علم التوحيد والصفات، الموسوم بالكلام. المنجى عن غياهب الشكوك، وظلمات الأوهام.

And after that, the foundation of the science of religious laws and rulings, and the basis of the principles of Islamic beliefs is the science of Tawheed (Monotheism) and attributes, known as Kalam, the path that leads away from the depths of doubts and the darkness of illusions.

وان المختصر المسمى ب «العقائد»، للإمام الهمام، قدوة علماء الإسلام، نجم الملة والدين «عمر النسفي» أعلى الله درجته في دار السلام يشتمل من هذا الفن على غرر الفرائد، ودرر الفوائد فى ضمن فصول. هى للدين قواعد وأصول. وأثناء نصوص، هي لليقين جواهر وفصوص. مع غاية من التنقيح والتهذيب، ونهاية من حسن التنظيم والترتيب

And the concise book titled "The Creeds" by the great heroic imam, the model of Islamic scholars, the star of the nation and religion, 'Umar al-Nasafi' - may Allah elevate his status in the House of Peace - encompasses from this art the finest precious pearls akin to the white spots on the forehead of horses and the gems of benefits nestled within chapters - they are the bases and foundations of religion - and during the texts (clear statements) - they are the jewels and gems of certainty. With the utmost refinement and purification, and the ultimate in good organization and arrangement.

فحاولت أن أشرحه شرحا يفصل مجملاته، ويبين معضلاته وينشر مطوياته، ويظهر مكنوناته، مع توجيه للكلام في تنقيح، وتنبيه على المرام فى توضيح، وتحقيق للمسائل غب تقرير، وتدقيق للدلائل اثر تحرير، وتفسير للمقاصد بعد تمهيد، وتكثير للفوائد، مع تجريد. طاويا كشح المقال، عن الإطالة والاملال، ومتجافيا عن طرفي الاقتصاد: الاطناب والاخلال. والله الهادى الى سبيل الرشاد، والمسئول لنيل العصمة والسداد، وهو حسبى ونعم الوكيل.
So, I have endeavored to explain it in a way that details its generalities, clarifies its complexities, unfolds its folds, and reveals its hidden meanings. All the while, justifying the statements (of the author) while its refinement, drawing attention to the intended meanings while its clarification, providing factual corroboration of discussing issues (or principles) shortly after its establishment, scrutinizing the proofs following setting them forth, interpreting the purposes after an introduction, and multiplying the benefits with brevity, turning away from prolixity and tedium, and avoiding the two extremes of frugality: excessive detail and negligence. And Allah is the guide to the path of righteousness, and the one responsible for granting infallibility and rectitude. He is sufficient for me, and Most excellent Wakil (the guardian) is He.

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